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Indonesian language Wikipedia
Indonesien ist ein multikulturelles und multiethnisches Land in dem ungef hr 360 verschiedene V lker und alle gro en Weltreligionen zu Hause sind Jede Insel ist ein eigener Mikrokosmos und jede ist auf ihre Weise faszinierend Die gr te Inselrepublik der Welt

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Indonesia Wikipedia
Indonesian dances have a diverse history with more than 3 000 original dances Scholars believe that they had their beginning in rituals and religious worship Examples include war dances a dance of witch doctors and dance to call for rain or any agricultural rituals such as Hudoq Indonesian dances derive their influences from the archipelago s prehistoric and tribal Hindu Buddhist and

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Explore Experience Indonesian Culture through Sumber :

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 Indonesian  peacekeepers awarded UN medals UNIFIL
Indonesian peacekeepers awarded UN medals UNIFIL Sumber :

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INDONESIAN DIVERSITY NYFW SS2022 photos by Brian Ach Getty Sumber :

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Indonesian Women Why Foreigners Want to Marry Girls from Sumber :

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